Entrepreneurship Development

A healthy entrepreneurship environment is critical to the creation of sustainable employment and rapid economic development. At R&D, we help businesses like yours build trust, reduce inequalities, promote cohesive communities, reduce dependency on aid and become all-around inclusive enterprises. We have worked with dozens of incredible businesses and startups in Ethiopia and wider afield, with the goal of helping them become more investment-ready and better equipped to tackle the competitive challenges of the modern business climate.

Businesses we help are majorly youth and women-led. We create tailored coaching, mentorship, training, and peer-to-peer networking that unbridles their potential and helps them achieve their goals. R&D also creates and facilitates internship opportunities for young talents and works closely with companies to help them acquire the right skills and get them ready for gainful employment.

Our partners are indispensable as we have the pleasure to be inspired by incredible entrepreneurs, embassies, government departments, financial institutions, and donor organizations that help us create a lasting socio-economic impact wherever we go. We are thrilled to welcome you as a business owner, or funding organization, as we help you touch more lives and create a more positive entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Empowering Ethiopian Women and Youth: Fostering Entrepreneurship for Growth and Equality

Being a women-founded and led firm, our commitment to women and youth empowerment is the center of our organizational culture.
We believe that entrepreneurship offers a pathway for individuals to become financially independent and contribute to the overall development of themselves and communities. By empowering Ethiopian youth and women through entrepreneurship, we aim to foster economic
growth, social development, and gender equality in the country. We implement a holistic approach that combines training, coaching mentorship, access to finance, access to market, access to information to help entrepreneurs not only to withstand financial constraints but more efficiently manage their resources to lead flourishing businesses in Ethiopia. Our interventions are designed to strengthen entrepreneurs’ inner capabilities and work toward them becoming robust.


R&D is a pioneer in providing world-class sector-agnostic business development services in Ethiopia, putting Small and Medium Scale Enterprises at the center of growth and innovation. We help drive change by supporting companies by giving SMEs the prominence they deserve as the backbones of every economy.
Our approach is to deliver the most hassle-free, easily integrated business support program to amplify the reach and capacities of our partner companies. Building their profile is our number one priority as we help these businesses expand locally and globally.
At R&D, stagnation is never an option for our clients; that is why our scale-up programs are tailored to enhance the capability and help grow our clients’ businesses to new heights. We favor a hands-on approach in serving you to create new opportunities, access vital resources, and create a more prosperous future for your business.

A specialist business advisor with particular know-how on system changes working hand-in-hand with business owners and their employees.

Top-quality peer-to-peer coaching by certified professionals

Tailored training for both hard and soft skills.

An invite-only quarterly get-together for the whole entrepreneurial ecosystem and expert seminars organized for sharing ideas

Match-make with relevant financial institutions

We develop fine-tuned case studies about role models from within and neighboring countries to inspire MSE owners

Want to hear more about our business development programs?


Globalization and access to technology have created much fervor among Ethiopian youths to become creatives and entrepreneurs with unique ideas. This new generation with a thirst for a solution-driven outlook is why we created our top-notch incubation program. We mold promising youths into becoming assets to society and get them ready for leadership roles in the future, helping them generate, develop, evaluated, and launch ideas for their various entrepreneurial pursuits.

R&D provides tailored and highly intensive incubation programs aimed at enabling budding entrepreneurs to formulate innovative business ideas and viable business plans. We bring young visionary entrepreneurs together and support them in groups or individually to foster innovation and execution. We help them test their ideas with prototyping and market research, set goals, develop whitepapers and educate them on pitching and woo investors. Our goal is to create battle-ready entrepreneurs who understand the challenges ahead and equipped with innovative ideas that help them surmount those challenges.

  • Why start a business?
  • Are you an entrepreneur?
  • Skills (self)-assessment
  • How can you find the best business idea?
  • Who are your customers?
  • What is your USP?
  • Building your business model
  • Building customer relationships
  • Creating partnerships
  • Social media and your business
  • Product design
  • Marketing & sales
  • Determine your revenue model
  • Costing & pricing
  • Keeping records
  • How to attract investment


Bridging the skill and knowledge gap within the ranks of startups is critical to the success of these new ventures. We understand that there is a gap between having a brilliant idea and formalizing it into a business, that is where R&D comes in. We are at hand to help startups create proper business plans and aid them in strategize and efficiently focus their resources and entire operations. We also help them carry out thorough competitor analysis and generate marketing strategies that enable them to hit the ground running. Our exclusive acceleration program is designed to help startups facing business challenges scale through and attain the maturity they need to compete with confidence. Our clients are guaranteed success at the end of our programs, with entrepreneurs able to develop market-driven business plans, and getting their companies ready for investment growth. 

A professional business plan coach advises on each component of an effective  business plan

Facilitated mentorship by our professional BDS providers on venture creation.

Frequent co-creative and facilitated workshops on relevant topics

Selected case studies on entrepreneurs and businesses in and outside of Ethiopia

Organize frequent networking events to connect entrepreneurs with relevant stakeholders.

Match entrepreneur with relevant partner financial providers

Join Our Proud Program Partners


We are honored to have worked with 500+ remarkable (women-led) SMEs and startups in Ethiopia

Get inspired by some entrepreneurs who keep our team motivated to contribute to their organizational and professional growth

Want to know more about our various entrepreneurship program?