R&D: The hub for the newly emerging BPO sector in Ethiopia’s thriving economy

Businesses worldwide have shown the potential for growth within their respective functioning environments since the era of mass production and manufacturing began. They have done so as it is an obvious function for a firm to expand to realize the common yet fundamental objective of its existence: More profit with less cost. How they realized this will take us down the road of a revolutionary path whereby the adoption of hiring outside help to manage less-than-essential processes to achieve efficiency without going through costs and new business plans came into effect in the 1900s. The 70s were as important as ever to the ever-growing business sector as local businesses sought out markets in international waters. [for more information visit: Outsourcing revolution]. This idea later on transformed to encompass mass outsourcing as 70-80% of companies started to outsource their finished products while others either outsource half of their IT operations or their entire back-office operations, including human resources, payroll, and accounting. Interested yet? There are several more reasons why outsourcing could be the next best step to take for your business ventures if you’re looking to expand. ‘Less Money, More Honey’: A rationale for choosing to outsource. These large numbers stated above to make us question the benefits of companies making the choice in said process. Especially when we see big companies like IBM completely outsourcing their IT ventures while being perfectly capable of hiring professionals to work within their organization. So why?  the thing about outsourcing is that it allows you the time and resources necessary for focusing on other aspects of the company (possibly your initial ventures) while still providing customers with the high-quality service they expect from you. [for more information visit: Why do companies outsource?] Today here in Ethiopia there are several companies that deal with this expanding sector as foreign investors are showing newfound interest in the opportunities provided by the country. This is a result of the increasing number of graduates that are able in providing the necessary manpower is directly affecting the need for employment that Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) can provide. Within this growing sector, we can find the R&D group- a conglomerate corporation that’s working on enabling businesses with solutions that are specifically tailored to each client since 2010, thriving to access the next generation of entrepreneurial services. The Synonymity between digitization and ease of access: R&D defined Instantaneous services are what customers are generally looking for when looking to use a product. With the internet taking control of our daily lives, we like the ease of access we get with just one click away. Here is where R&D steps in with effective customer services that will handle it all with efficiency. Whether consumers are looking to hail a taxi, use an e-commerce platform, or order food, various digital solutions are at their fingertips. 24 hours, 7 days a week? How about every minute, 365 days of the year?  At R&D, we give close attention to the needs that the company deems to be important so that it can focus on its primary goals. We offer stellar BPO services that range from IT services to Customer Support and HR tasks. We provide a full suite of services perfected over years and have round-the-clock customer outreach to make sure you get the same care that you aspire to give your own clients. Being a pioneer still leading this space, we have a recognized reputation for expediency, reliability, and producing results. We are as handy as they come as working seamlessly with your teams to increase output, save you money, and make your lives easier is our top priority. Our clients from the US, Canada, Africa, China, and Europe can speak for our diligence as evidence show that our offshore BPO outsourcing amenities are built to help ambitious organizations achieve more with untapped Pro talent from Ethiopia. From HR consultancy to AI automation R&D is a partner through and through since it works as the direct extension of a company’s in-house HR team. We do this by maintaining the top-notch quality we always promise to provide by taking in the current mechanisms the company has adopted and perfecting by filling in holes that seem to be left open by adopting new and refined processes. Whether it be the company’s employer of record, employee insurance, ex-pat immigration solutions, or payroll management, you can count on us to deliver what’s expected of us and more. If less of the cost and more of the services are what you’re looking for R&D will take over all the other processes as your managers focus on the day-to-day activities of your organization. The world is becoming digital and with that, it is our company’s principle to go ahead and take two steps forward to serve your needs promptly. We do this by equipping you with the professionals you need in developing software solutions or feeding your AI tools with high-quality data by joining your team or working remotely. Our name speaks for our diligence as we are the biggest analysis center in Africa offering services offshore. We do this by taking it to step by step starting from initial analysis to development, training, testing, and maintenance. We currently have teams working on sports data analytics, AI training data, software development, Business intelligence, and content and document management services. What’s Ahead? The future of R&D Information is vital in the 21st century. It is a digital world we’re in. In accordance with changes, R&D plans on expanding digitally by addressing the issues of delimitation due to distance and borders. We at the company urge you to follow our journey as we seek to revolutionize the up-and-coming outsourcing sector here in Ethiopia.

R&D: The hub for the newly emerging BPO sector in Ethiopia’s thriving economy Read More »